I just puchased Rachid Taha's latest offering and listened to it. Money down the drain. What was the man thinking of turning out inferior stuff like that? I have been a fan for some time, but if he carries on in this vein he's off my list.
If I want to listen to that electronic stuff I'll give the Spam Allstars a spin. If I want to listen to the same couple of lines repeated over I'll listen to football chants (example of lyrics above). 'Barbes', 'Abdelkader', 'Tékitoi', 'Bent Sahra'; that's Rachid Taha. The only song on this album that that approaches that level is 'Sélu'.
In addition the cover photograph of the man depicts him as a Tony Ferrino wannabe.
It has been suggested that this album is an attempt to crack the US market. Well if it doesn't succeed he'd better recover form quickly before he loses his existing fan base.
I remember Carte de sejour and went to see them in concert. They were a phenomenon back then, very exciting ..I have no idea what Rashid sounds like now..looks like he ran out of steam. Who doesn't at one stage, one might wonder..
I hope it's a passing phase, TG. If not there's still the old stuff.
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