Friday, February 19, 2010

From my local paper -
"Hundreds of jobs could be created if plans for a multi-million pound power station in east Hull gets the go-ahead."
Let me translate -
Hundreds of jobs won't be created if plans ... etc.
I've complained before about this hyperbole. "Up to ten thousand jobs", and down to no jobs. But it's always the PR person's sales patter that Hull's disinformation sheet prints.


fleming said...

Jemmy, govt never creates jobs. Private industry does. Govt just takes money from industry and private citizens and deploys it for their own purposes. Sometimes this gives the impression of job creation, when its really just forced wealth redistribution.

Jemmy Hope said...

Well, flem, this is a private business we're talking about, which will not stop them coming to the local council, the UK government, and the European Union bureacracy with the begging bowl. The point I'm making is that they will not create hundreds of jobs. They may create a dozen or so, but their presentation when submitting their public fund syphoning plan will talk up the number of jobs created. The people holding the public purse strings will choose to believe it, or choose to accept the bribes and pretend to believe it.

fleming said...

Yours is a cynical view, Jemmy. You may be right - or not. However, as its outside of my purview, I dont have enough info to comment.

That said, I still believe monies provided to industry for development and investment in growth are ultimately more productive than those spent on entitlements, wealth redistribution or other social programs.

Jemmy Hope said...

You're going to have to decide, flem - am I cynical or am I utopian?
Actually I admit to cynicism with regard to most politicians, all political parties, all mainstream media, most religious sects, all business people, "captains of industry", and the like.
Utopian? No, I'm just not buying what we've got as the best of all possible worlds.
You and I are never going to agree about much, but keep plugging away, sport.

fleming said...

I will keep plugging Jemmy, thanks. LOL

Your comment about Starbucks on the AACS caught me eye. Clearly, you are a big supporter of unions. I am not (surprise).

What I dont get is this: Why is it Starbucks responsibility to pay their employees above what the market will bear? Nobody is forced to work there. Nobody has a gun to their head. If you want better pay, get more educationa and work harder. Making coffee is a simple task. Anybody can do it. Paying workers higher wages will only make their already expensive coffee more expensive, driving away customers.

You understand the ecomics, surely Jemmmy. The reason Starbux doesnt pay that wellis that the job is not that challenging. Work that requires true skill, higher intelligence, etc will always pay better because comnpanies will be able to translate those skills into more revenue. Any numbnuts can be a barista after a week or so of training.

If low end, low stress, low skilled jobs pay too well, society will fall on its ass. Sorry Jemmy, me thinks you do reside in utopia-ville./

Jemmy Hope said...

Every hear of deskilling, flem? Fordism? I ask - what skills?
So the capitalist slogan is, maximise profits, minimise wages, i.e., capitalism's suicide note. It's like the old joke about the farmer and the donkey "I just got it used to living on nothing and it died."
Anyone who believes that they can get rich by hard work alone is really living in Cloudcuckooland.

fleming said...

Jemmy, Jemmy, Jemmy....

So you believe hard work doesnt matter? That the entire system is rigged, do you? Well, explain Obama. I mean, he is not my preferred president, but you cant argue he got where he is thru his blue blood background, can you? Or his family's money?

No Jemmy, hard work and innate talent got him into harvard and beyond.

So yea, it takes hard work, determination, some luck, who knows exactly? If you could define it exactly, someone would have long ago bottled and sold it.

Its completely natural Jemmy. Does every animal born in the wild live to old age? No. Some are killed by predators, some die of disease or accidents early, etc. Mother nature has always weeded the weak from the strong, and always will

Jemmy Hope said...

Enough with the social darwinism, flem, you're overemphasising its importance. I mentioned it before, "Mutual Aid, a Factor in Evolution" by Peter Kropotkin,
I didn't say hard work is not important, I said nobody got rich by dint of hard work alone. Obama succeeded, like all politicians, by telling people what they wanted to hear. To the ordinary voters he promised what he could not deliver. To the kleptocrats who financed his campaign, he promised not to keep his promises to the voters.
"Behind every great fortune there is a crime." (Balzac). Ask Bernie Madoff.