Killer Cola strikes again
The corporation that finances death squads in Colombia is at it again in Pakistan.
Since forming a union at Coca-Cola's bottling plant in the southern Pakistan city of Multan in June 2009, members have met with death threats, abduction,firings, extortion, forgery and fraud. Management's vicious response to the workers' fight for a union is a story drenched with violence, corruption, sleaze and escalating criminality.
The Multan workers need your support. Despite all these illegal acts theunion officers and their supporters remain steadfast in their determinationto win union recognition and become the IUF’s newest members in theCoca-Cola system.
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The World HQ for the Coca Cola Corp is based in my city (atlanta ga). I worked there myself back some years ago, and have many friends that either did or do work there. So I know the company well.
What you need to understand is the difference between the Coca cola company and its bottling system, number one. In many cases the two are not the same. Secondly, Coke is a very international company, and gets about 80% of its profits outside the US. Criticize all you want, but they are VERY GOOD at running operations overseas. I think its a little absurd for others to be telling this HIGHLY successful organization how they should run their business.
Oh, fyi, unions are considerd anathema here in the southeast US. Most people are like me: We refuse to do business with any company that is unionized, if at all possible. For example, for that reason I will never buy another GM or Ford automobile.
I accept that the bottling companies are not C*c* Cola, but by awarding contracts to the killers they are greenlighting the killings.
No unions in Atlanta? Are you still lynching blacks down there?
Gosh jemmy no. In fact the city hasnt elected a WHITE mayor in over 40 years. Not only that, atlanta is considered a "black mecca" due to the many successful black business, political and entertainment people here.
Time to update your database dude.
There are unions here, they are just not a force to be reckoned with. Its why so many northern companies have relocated to the south, and why many foreign car companies, from BMW to Toyota to Kia and Volkswagon, have located their US factories in the american south, while the unionized Ford and GM factories were shut down.
Its a great pleasure for me to know that even though my comments on AACS are censured, the puerile one who admininsters it still sees them.
Since being blocked over there, my goal has become to be as offensive, as nasty and as vicious toward his most vileness as absolutely possible.
My personal distaste and loathing of that cretin know no bounds. Thus my words dont either.
So in order to get at an individual you blackguard a whole ethnic group. Something very wrong with your mental processes, flem. Seek help at the earliest opportunity.
You sound like my mother Jemmy :) Love her to death but her answer to just about any problem, it seems, is "seek counseling". Not my bag, man.
Look Jemmy, in a dog fight you dont worry about so-called gentlemanly rules of engagement. You do what you need to do to prevail.
I hardly think posting what are essentially private messages is blackguarding a whole group of people. It simply verbal warfare with a person I detest. Because my loathing of this individual is so extreme, there is simply no verbal boundry which I will not cross. Its no different from if we were engaged in an actual phsical confrontation. There would be no rules.
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