Saturday, January 29, 2011

When, on Monday, it emerged that James Murdoch, who is not a constituent of Cameron's, was also at the dinner, again there was no official confirmation. But now the words carefully chosen by sources did not imply a denial. The prime minister did not believe it was necessary to comment on private social engagements during a holiday period.
A spokesman said: "Clearly the prime minister does meet with people from the media from time to time. That is not at all unusual for prime ministers."
The burning question was would such a meeting lead to the prime minister speaking to Murdoch senior, and could any table talk affect the BSkyB takeover. "It would have no bearing on that decision, which is a decision taken by Jeremy Hunt and Jeremy Hunt alone,".
(Caroline Davies, Guardian)

"Rather than worry about Rupert Murdoch owning another TV channel, what we should recognise is that he has probably done more to create variety and choice in British TV than any other single person because of his huge investment in setting up Sky TV, which, at one point, was losing several million pounds a day.
We would be the poorer and wouldn't be saying that British TV is the envy of the world if it hadn't been for him being prepared to take that commercial risk. We need to encourage that kind of investment."
(Jeremy Hunt, of rhyming slang fame)

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