Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Confusion, a condition I share with others when trying to follow developments in the Middle East and North Africa. Who are the people opposing Gadhafi and Assad? Nobody an honest person could support, in my opinion. Who wants to side with Cameron, Sarkozy, Berlusconi and the oil-slickers. Who wants to side with the reactionary monarchists, the Sanusi order, and anti-democratic Islamists? Who wants to side with CIA plants, or Muslim Brothers waiting to exact revenge upon Syria's Alawites? The original, and genuine, calls for change at the top and political and economic reform have been steam-rollered by agents of the EU, Washington, Riyadh, and the oil-slickers.
However these movements began they no longer represent the oppressed people who first took to the streets. But the oppressed are still welcome to sacrifice their lives for the old order with a new face. Assad and Gadhafi may go, but their departure will guarantee nothing in the way of reform. The masters of the universe have other plans.
Sorry to be such a jeremiah. It comes of decades of disappointment and disillusion.

The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: Debate about Syria among Lebanese progressives: su...: "Comrade Laure sent me this (I cite with her permission):  'Reading Al Alakhbar and your blog on Syria, I came to the conclusion that the un..."

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