Sunday, April 01, 2012

The troll has obliged me by leaving another deposit. I post it here as an example of his cretinous approach. This is pretty tame by his standards. I won't be allowing any more of his crap to appear here unless he exposes himself as the vile racist shit-stirrer that he really is.
The Palestinians and Israelis need to hug each other and unite. They need to jointly stand up to the English. Before the English empire came in 1918, Palestinians [immigrants, native borns, Sunnis, Jews, Atheists, Christians, Shiites, Agnostics, seculars etc.] generally got along okay. The sectarian conflict in Palestine really got going after 1918, during English occupation. Can you at least acknowledge this? The English issued property deads for the same piece of property to multiple different "owners", causing fights between Palestinians, Israelis and foreign owners. Today, there are often 8 people who owned the same house [have keys to the same house] that was confiscated in 1948 paying below market prices. The old house was torn down and is now part of a skyscraper. As a result Palestinians feel cheated and wronged and angry and demand oodles of money and their house back [which they can't get.] Who is the villain here Mr. Hope? Isn't the real culprit England? Didn't they wreck the place and then leave it in the middle of a civil and regional war?

Note the hugging business. This is the phony caring bit that usually accompanies the venom. Then there's the talk of 'market prices' as if some contract was exchanged and property wasn't seized at gunpoint. The fact that the land grab took place after the British administration/occupation ended is irrelevant to this anglophobe. He can't allow any reference to Israeli war crimes, human rights abuses, or ethnic cleansing to feature in his whitewashed version of Middle Eastern events. No mention either of Washington's veto of UN attempts to intervene to end the land grab. You wouldn't know that Washington had any interest or involvement in the Middle East. This joker could teach Stalinist historians a thing or two about the airbrushing of history.
That the UK's ruling class was culpable in its handling of Israel/Palestine is undeniable. But to argue they have been anything but the USA's menials and yesmen since 1948 is only possible if one ignores the obvious.


thankgodimatheist said...

It was funny listening to him lecturing me about the Palestine/Israel issue (I who was born into it!) when in his own admission he only took interest in it a couple of years ago by following our blog and the ultra Zionist right wing Michael Totten. Needless to say that his is understanding of the conflict leaves ALL, left and right of all sides baffled and speechless!

Jemmy Hope said...

Yes, he spouts his nonsense and his falsehoods with the unshakeable self-confidence of the truly ignorant.