A strange visitor came to rest on our patch for a few hours yesterday. A bird the size of a pigeon, black and white with a tiny beak. Black face and bib - a sort of iridescent bluey-green sheen on close-up - and black tail feathers forming a broad tail. Covering the whole of the back of the head and neck was a white ruff which rose slightly above the top of the head. Red legs and feet.
The photographs aren't very clear, and the presence of a white piece of rock alongside the bird could be mistaken for a white tail. I did get fairly close, but too close and it made a noise like a growl and moved away, making no attempt at flight.I thought it was injured in some way and unable to fly. Realising that it would let me get closer, I went back inside for the camera, but when I returned there were two feral pigeons feeding alongside the stranger on the seeds we'd given it. As I approached the two pigeons took flight and panicked the stranger into taking off. So no close-up.
I'm hoping that, if it's still in the neighbourhood, it will return to a known food source, and I can renew our acquaintance, but no sign yet.
I've checked in a couple of bird recognition books I have but could see nothing like this fellow. I've tried a net search but, without knowing what family(?) it belongs to it's too big a field.
UPDATE, 9.9.12 The stranger returned today. More photographs tomorrow.
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