Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lawrence Wilkerson: " Y eah, we ' re talking about a state that is looking more and more like South Africa . Carter called it an "A partheid State ' . And he used the appropriate adjective. A state like that simply cannot survive, not as a Jewish state and a D emocracy. Many would argue that it ' s not a D emocracy anymore. This is a state after all that, it was formed by a Socialists. This is a state that was formed largely by atheists, and this is a state that has become captured by the U ltra - Right - Wing Orthodox Jewish element within it, who constitute most of the settlers. This is a state whom one in five of it ' s citizens now is a settler. This is a state run by a man who is largely owned by these U ltra - Orthodox people, who, incidentally like the N eocons in this country , want to defeat all their enemies with other peoples ' blood. In other words, they don ' t serve in the Armed Forces. So there are a lot of similarities between what Israel has become and what we have become. It ' s rather ironic, as Andrew points out in his piece , how similar the two situations are. But Israel ' s long term security, as I said, is certainly not assured by the policy she ' s pursuing right now. In fact, I would argue that her long term security is in great peril because of the policies she ' s pursuing right now. And our security, following Israel as if we were her lapdog, is absolutely in jeopardy , particularly in that region of the world, where things are not so hunky - dory right now. Whether you call it the " Arab awakening ' or the " Arab Spring ' , or the " Arab Winter ' , or whatever, things aren ' t looking too good for U.S. interests in th e region right now. Israel ' s position within that turmoil, and our position supporting Isr ael within that turmoil, is adding to that turmoil. Adding to the number of suicide bombers in the world, for example, who would like to do damage to us .


Jemmy Hope said...

The Voice of America.
Or more precisely the hysterical howl that drowns out the voice of sanity, as exemplified by the convert from mad dog foreign policy to reasoned analysis, L. Wilkerson.
It seems that I'm a traitor to Ersatz Israel, not yet classified as treason in the UK, as it appears to be in the USA.

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thankgodimatheist said...

Ha ha..He's furious! Maybe because I finally put this cockroach in a bottle out of which he will NEVER go out to see the light again on my blog..Talk about changing attitude and becoming more "gentle". He could have fooled me this turd, ma parole!!

Jemmy Hope said...

Cockroach in a bottle - I like it. Désormais 'le Cafard'.