Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Evil old Radovan Karadzic has been captured at last. Hooray, hooray! Now all the kiddies can sleep safely in their beds. On to the next pantomime villain.
Karadzic is accused of being behind the massacre of Bosnians, which was an unforgivable crime against humanity. He is yet to be tried but I'm confident that, if he lives to hear a verdict, that verdict will be "guilty". After all the US wants his head on a plate.
Unforgivable crimes against humanity are in a different league from forgivable crimes against humanity. These last include -
The massacre of over half-a-million Indonesians by Suharto and the Indonesian army.
The massacre at No-Gun-Ri, Korea
The massacre at Deir Yassin
The destruction of Fallujah
The war crimes of the Nobel Laureate, Henry Kissinger

While Bosnians were being massacred by Serbs, Serbs were being massacred by Croats - but who gives a toss about Serbs?

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