Sunday, August 08, 2010

"There just isn't any pleasing some people. The trick is to stop trying." (Robert Mitchum)


Anonymous said...

What made you think of this quote, Jemmy?


Jemmy Hope said...

I was going to add that it took me X years to realise this, but I couldn't figure out when it became clear to me, so I left it without comment. Other people's opinions of us don't really matter a fiddler's fart. Most people make their minds up about us at first meeting, and some never change that first opinion.
You see, Robert Mitchum said it in a few words, and that impressed me.

thankgodimatheist said...

R.Mitchum had his way with words..His famous answer to Ava Gardner is a gem:
"NO,Ava! You're addictive.."
I'll let you guess what the question was..


Jemmy Hope said...

More examples of the wit and wisdom of R. Mitchum here (scroll down) -
Apparently he got to be a bit of a reactionary in old age, hence the Vietnam quote. Too much time in the company of John Wayne maybe.