Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Update on Hoffman v.Greenstein (21st August, below)-
Jonathan Hoffman has apologised for lying, or not checking his facts, one of the two.
All empty threats then.


thankgodimatheist said...

Did Greenstein sue him or did Hoffman get away with it?

Jemmy Hope said...

What happened is that the photographer who shot the photo of Hoffman demonstrating alongside a (Brazilian!) English Defence League Nazi threatened to sue Hoffman for saying his pic was photoshopped. Hoffman backed down rapid and his grounds for suing Tony G. went up the spout. However he is still badmouthing Tony G. on same T.G.'s blog -
(29th August)
Tony G. can't sue, won't sue (financial restraints). As the old saying goes, the law is open to all like the grill room of the Savoy.

thankgodimatheist said...

I saw a post in Jews Sans Frontieres about this case:
..This Hoffman guy sounds like a pretty peculiar person.He shamelessly lied (that the photo was photoshopped and then he admitted he lied and apologised when he was proven a liar..Some things are just as easy if you can get away with them...