Saturday, January 22, 2011

The former British ambassador to Iran, Sir Richard Dalton, told the inquiry in little noticed but fascinating testimony that Blair's claims were all "very much exaggerated". He warned that Blair was seeking "to cast a retrospectively benign light on a series of very bad decisions" and, by justifying what was done in Iraq in the past, to open the door to an attack on Iran in future.
Worth watching in Blair’s continues to be his tirades against Iran, misrepresenting the country and its leaders as an imminent threat in much the same way as he spoke of Iraq in the lead-up to the invasion. Sir Richard told the inquiry that he felt that "a military adventure against Iran" would be as illegal and unjustified as the one launched against Iraq.
(Patrick Cockburn)

What a farce. Another platform for Blair to spout his neo-con certainties of hate and bang the drum for war on Iran. In the first 90 seconds Blair had conflated Saddam Hussein and 9/11 and called for action - plainly meaning military action - against Iran. Meanwhile the establishment patsies look concerned and dance around small points, to give an air of spurious credibility to their pre-determined exoneration.
(Craig Murray)

The "straight kinda guy" - as the saying goes, if he swallowed a nail he'd shit a corkscrew. Still, he has now decided that he's deeply sorry for the million plus dead of his illegal war. Well it was the right thing to say at the time, whether he meant it or not.


Chris H said...

Oh that we could get him in a courtroom to answer for his crimes.

I'm just thankful that he's not PM now, and sad that he ever was.

Many people across the planet have suffered and died because of the power he misused.

Jemmy Hope said...
