Sunday, December 02, 2012

(Mariko Sakurai)

A nation is dying in front of our eyes
You can close your eyes and choose not to see it
You can walk away and forget about it
But this nation closes its eyes to die
when we close our eyes not to see it

The world's largest prison with innocent people dying
The world's largest prison with children starving

A nation is dying in front of our eyes
You can close your eyes and choose not to see it
You can click and go to other videos
But this nation cannot even shout
when we drive the last nail to the coffin of Gaza

The world's largest prison with innocent people dying
The world's largest prison with children starving.


thankgodimatheist said...

Had no knowledge of this poem or its author. I googled the name. She's a Ph.D clinical psychologist at Brookline Mental Health Center.

Jemmy Hope said...

Not actually a poem, TG, but the lyrics of a song (I cheated). More here -
I did a search for Mariko Sakurai and noticed one who's a translator of Chomsky. Could be the same person.