Friday, July 19, 2013

There's an article in today's Guardian by someone from Hull attempting to dispel the "myths and half-myths" about our town. I won't link to it as I don't think much of it. The article is pushing for Hull's bid to become 'city of culture'. I pray that the bid fails (I'm sure it will) because the cost to the ordinary citizen will just add to our woes.
The comments to the article include a plug by a Hull blogger for his site. I took the bait and liked what I saw. So here it is.


Chris Hall said...

City of Culture eh? Wiki tells me that City of Culture brings "social and economic benefits for the area".

I never did understand why a city couldn't have these "social and economic benefits" anyway.

I always thought Hull was a nice place. Always seemed bustling and friendly to me.

Jemmy Hope said...

"... social and economic benefits" for hoteliers, caterers, and other services. A big bill for the rest. After the caravan moves on there'll be recriminations and blame-shifting.