Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution.

Just bringing forward some references so that I don't have to trawl back to read fleming's comments.

The whole megilla can be found here.


thankgodimatheist said...

Is this "gentleman" still around? I personally stopped checking on him on the AACS for ages! I can't believe this sicko's insistence to annoy those who do not share his views when he can initiate his own blog like any normally constituted human being..tfeeh..

thankgodimatheist said...

It has always amazed me that for some (eat this flaming ass! )the belief that competition rather than cooperation is at the basis of evolutionary process when all the evidence suggests that it's otherwise..

fleming said...

Right back at ya, tgia, right back at ya -- but throw in some hellfire missiles from a predator drone, just for fun! LOL

Competition has built the US into the mightiest economic power in the world. Even IF China and India eventually surpass is in total GDP, they will do it with far more people and much lower per capita.

Jemmy Hope said...

TG, I've taken fleming under my wing and I'm teaching him the error of his ways. The old wobblies used to have a slogan, "Pull out, push back, or snap off the fangs of capitalism." I'm engaged in the defanging of fleming

fleming said...

Cooperation and team work is a key tenet at every company of any size. They cooperate to BEAT their competitors. Duhhhh

But maybe mother nature does it differently? On those nature shows, how often do you see gazelles offering themselves up as willing sacrifices to the appetite of the lion! HAHAHAHAHAH

fleming said...

Capitalism is THE innovation engine which built so many new technologies and advancements, including the computer on which you type.

Or perhaps we should just count on Russia and North Korea to create the next great "new new thing"...
