Friday, March 26, 2010

This from Angry Arab's blog -
"To Lawyers among my readers
I have received emails from legal minds among my readers. I am told that I have grounds to sue the UK's Home Office for libel and defamation especially that I have received hate mails since the release of the report. If any one would like to take the case, or knows some one who would, please email me to my school email below (down to the left, I think)."

Professor AbuKhalil's 'Angry Arab News Service' was listed by the government's counter-terrorism unit as the third most influential British-based pro-islamic blog. This is the kind of "intelligence" that gave us the the DODGY DOSSIER. The professor is an avowed atheist and leftist who constantly exposes the stupidity of Islamic fundamentalist spokespersons and Iraqi Shi'a cleric-politicians. He is a US-based non-islamist. But he is also a recorder of Israeli war crimes and ethnic cleansing, and of Western collusion in these crimes. He is furthermore a critic of the dictators of the Arab world lauded by the Western propaganda machine and depicted as allies in their war on (some) terror; Mubarak of Egypt, the King of Jordan. He exposes the links between Bin Ladin and the Wahhabis led by their 'Imam', the Sa'udi monarch.
He is, to put it simply, persona non grata to Washington and it's ragbag of allies and clients. He is an Arab who is openly anti-Israel. That'll do for Whitehall and the British secret police. Call him pro-islamic, it doesn't mean much, but it connotes support for terrorism.


fleming said...

He's also a communist and hater of capitalism and americann foreign policy. He is a far leftist who harangues against the US's presence in the Middle East. He constantly makes invectives against US "war crimes" even as he encourages violent opposition to Israel, in whatever form.

He hasnt the courage to speakat at places that would actually challenge or oppose him. The ollege campuses are full of like minded types who soothe and boost his massive ego.

What he doenst realize is that no one outside his handful of sycophants no one cares whether he is "angry". Truly, we dont give a $%#$ and are not intimidated - in the least.

He is so offenvsive I believe he turns more people AGAINST his cause than for it. He has done more for Israel than any PR campaign they could have ever created! HAHAHH

Jemmy Hope said...

Am I right in thinking you don't agree with him, flem? He claims to be an anarchist, not a commo, but he does seem to have a residual loyalty to old comrades.
Opposed to capitalism,US foreign policy, and to Israel? Now that reminds me of someone else - oh yes, me.
Still, unlike the dodgy dossier compilerrs of the British propaganda machine, you don't accuse AA of being pro-islamic. That would be a joke, if it wasn't a deliberate slur.

Jemmy Hope said...

"Compilerrs", not a British spelling but a typographical error.

fleming said...

You are correct Jemmy. I am "not a fan" of the AAP - to say the least.

He is a pedantic academic who makes grand statements from his ivory tower about "rule by the people" or a "one state solution". Nothing he says is based in reality.

He has no grasp of what america is truly about because he is isolated from it. He lives in his protected world of acadmeia. He occassionally flies around to similar places where, he believes, cheering audiences of immature teenagers and disaffected arabs gives him his credibility.

In between he has almost no interaction with non-students/activists, except when ordering his Starbux lattes.

The guy is a sick joke and doenst even realize it.

thankgodimatheist said...

It's smells funny in here.

Jemmy, do you honestly think the flaming ass would know the difference between an anarchist and a communist? That's crediting him with too much knowledge. I doubt he ever heard of Bakunin to start with..Nothing wrong with that mind you, one could live with that type of ignorance but one should also have enough decency to accept it and keep one's mouth shut..

fleming said...

Notice how I wont attack the other "poster", insult their inteliigence or suggest they mute themselves. Not out of respect for the poster, of course, but out of respect for YOUR blog, Jemmy. I dont want to pollute your site with that kind of stuff.

You will note how the "other side" relies on personal insults and censorship to power their POV. Only a really weak POV needs resort to such tactics, IMHO.

Jemmy Hope said...

Top marks for restraint, flem.
Now, now, TG!
I don't mind personal abuse as long as it's witty, or inventive. But a string of obscenities is too easy and overdone. Just a guideline, you know. Also racism is beyond the pale and calls for instant action.
Wow! This is bringing out the authoritarian in me.