Monday, August 09, 2010

"BBC management have taken a lot of stick in recent years, which is unfair. Some should at least be applauded for their unwavering commitment and consistency in taking credit for other people's ideas."
(Phil Jupitus)


fleming said...

On capitalism, Jemmy:

Coal is the biggest single cargo in the world, day in and day out, for it accounts for roughly 45% by volume of “dry bulk” shipments and is 23% of the value of those
shipments. Further, more than 70% of the world’s coal is transported at some time by rail, and here in the US that is doubly important for as the demand for lowsulphur
coal from the Powder River Basis in Wyoming grows it has to be taken enormously long distances.
Because that is true, the coal hauling railroads have spent huge sums of money demanding and receiving ever more powerful locomotives that can haul this coal
the enormous distances it must be hauled. So, we’ve read that in the last twenty years the sheer power of the locomotives involved in transporting Powder River coal has risen a stunning 70%... no mean feat given that these were already huge, powerful locomotives to
begin with. The railroads have demanded, and have gotten, locomotives that are shockingly lighter than were the same locomotives twenty years ago. Aluminium engines have replaced steel engines. Hopper cars are
now often double deckers, weighing unbelievably more and demanding even larger locomotives... and yet the companies manufacturing them have succeeded in getting them to the end users, resulting in comotives that have had their ton-miles per gallon of fuel from
332 back in ’90 to 457 now. In other words, in this, the most prosaic of old guard businesses… the hauling of coal… technology has paid enormous returns to those
in the industry. Ton-miles have risen by nearly 40%, for example, and only those companies that have
remained technologically adept have adapted and prospered. We stand in awe yet again of the beauty and elegance of capitalism.


Jemmy Hope said...

You really must create a blog of your own,flem. I don't want to read boring press handouts like the above.

fleming said...

So sorry Jemmy, no press handout there. From an investment newsletter, actually produced out of merry ole england.

I know that inconvenient truth are hard for you to accept. But really, your insistence that capitalism is 100% evil, and nothing good ever comes from it, is such an utterly ridiculous and childish stance. Few things are 100% bad - even Hitler loved animals :). You can pretend that capitalism hasnt created the many wonderful advances and that all it has done is bad, but that just shows the incredible narrowness of your thinking. It makes you sound, well, not only radical but certifiably crazy.

You folks who dwell in utopia land amuse me. You know, you believe the world can be this giant love fest where we all care more about someone we've never met 10000 miles away than we do for our own lives or those of our friends. So beyond absurd its just downright mindblowing.

Jemmy expects the world to be a place where no one wants more than his neighbor. Where the sex glands are turned off, where the desire for success and glory is non-existent, its just about caring for each other equally so that everyone has the same as everyone else, regardless of who or what they are. Ah yes, the land of the uber leftist, the land of the the dreamer, the land of Jemmy, the land of utopia.

Do I really need to explain the world has never worked like that, not even close? And that it never will, not even close? Really Jemmy? Imagine if in high school I cared more about getting my buddies laid than me? If I cared more that the fat ugly girls had dates rather than if I could go out with the hot cheerleader. When you get that figured out, come talk to me about freakin utopia

Jemmy Hope said...

Oh come on, flem, try and be brief when salivating over your beloved capitalism, or I'll have to do a "Private Eye" on you -

"The number 94 is used as a generic large number, to indicate that something is lengthy and boring. This originated with some articles ending mid-sentence with "(continued page 94)" - a page which does not exist, as Private Eye is much shorter than that."

fleming said...

Fine Jemmy. How is this: Capitatalism rules. The Utopia land of uber leftists is for dreamers, socialists, anarchists and the pathologically naieve

r.s. said...

"America is more communist than China is right now. You can see that this is welfare of the rich, it is socialism for the rich -- it's just bailing out financial institutions. This is madness; this is insanity; they have more than doubled the American national debt in one weekend for a bunch of crooks and incompetents."
Jim Rogers, American investor and financial commentator

Jemmy Hope said...

Please r.s., don't disturb fleming's little world with harsh reality.

fleming said...

hhahah R.S. thinks he can "instruct" me about my own country. The arrogance is actually quite hilarious.

Of course his quote is an overstatement. The bank bailouts were unpopular across the board - I hated them, in fact. Most argue they had to happen to prevent the collapse of the financial system.

The policies of the Obama regime are indeed repulsive. Handing out free money to the irresponsible, engaging in crony capitalism, sucking up to our enemies such as Iran and the muslim world, are beyond disgusting.

The mid term elections will be a referendum on Obama's policies. Most see a severe defeat for the democrats. Two years hence we will take back control, reinstitute pro-capitalism policies, shrink the power of govt and deliver an overdue ass whooping to our enemies. BOOK IT.

r.s. said...

You think you're the only game in town. Just wait! Have you looked around at how your country is falling apart while you're spending trillions on two wars that will ultimately succeed in failing?

fleming said...

The only game in town r.s., hardly. Good luck with your new buddies, the Chinese. Or do you prefer North Korea, or maybe Venezuela?

The US is falling apart? HAHAHAH Do you live here? If not, you know not of what you speak. I was at a professional baseball game last night. Thousands of people out enjoying themselves, with no concern about the coming "falling apart" of the US.

You do realize we have been in much worse situations? 150 yrs ago the nation was literally split in two. What happened from there? Oh dear, we came out pretty well, huh? How about after WWII, where we lost 400,000 men and women? Gosh, have we lost 5,000 in Iraq and Afghanistan combined? Each one is a small tragedy, but in terms of the big picture, its not comparable.

Succeed in failing? Turn that phrase yourself? We have already defeated the "standing militaries" of those two countries, long ago. The only adversaries remaining are a rag tag bunch of cave dwelling neanderthal thugs. They dont dare wear uniforms or show themselves in the open for fear of immediate slaughter. Its pathetic.

We are already leaving Iraq. If the folks there cant run their own country, shame on them. Afghanistan will always be a poor, savage, backward, ignorant country. Not much we can do, or want to do, about that. Just keep the lousy alqueda thugs hiding out in the schools, mosques, hospitals and nurseries until they venture out under the watchful electronic eye of a predator drone. KABOOM!

How many years will it be before your folks have their first nuclear powered submarine or aircraft carrier? How many decades? How many centuries?

Jemmy Hope said...

Jemmy Hope said...

Looks like your hometown is a homeless town for many thousands, flem, good advert for the free market -

fleming said...

Ive seen that first article on Bloomberg Jemmy, and dont disagree with all of it. But "virtual bankrupcy" for a large organization does not mean the end is nigh. Just ask Greece! LOL

What you think should something bad happen americans will throw up their hands, stop living and welcome sharia law? HAHA Not quite, my friend. A good reorgnization, back to the principles upon which we were founded, would be good for us. And please dont start preening about slavery, its so tired.

Ive always said the free market is not perfect Jemmy. The weak will sometimes fall through the cracks. The problem with your system is that it presumes the current propspeity can be maintained while no one is ever disadvantaged, and everything is equal. Unfortunately for you, that is just utopian nonsense. Show me a society where a plumber makes as much as a neurosurgeon who makes as much as a baker who makes as much as a ditch digger, and Ill show you a society with few ditches, exceess baked goods, adequate plumbing and no brain surgeons. A freakin disaster.

Sorry Jemmy, the presence of some homeless doesnt damper my enthusians for free market capitalism. In fact, it certifies it. The world will always have winners and losers. Much better to be a winner. The consequences of being a loser should be dear, indeed.

Jemmy Hope said...

I knew that the word LOSER was coming, flem. Your contempt for the disadvantaged members of a grossly unfair society, and your desire to see them penalised, is noted. You and your fellow thinkers merit constant exposure for your callous dismissal of the many in your pursuit of wealth and privilege for the few. Keep up the good work.

fleming said...

Boohooo Jemmy. What you regard as contempt for some we hold as compassion for others. And grossly unfair? Define fair, please. And then I dare you to show me a "fair society", that has ever worked, and that advances society and enriches ALL. Now show me a "fair society" where poverty is endemic and society is stagnant, there are too numerous examples of that!

The clear truth is that if you dont reward the few, the ones that achieve, that exceed above all others, there are no achievers, there are no advancements. Its a life of stagnation for all, purely existing for the sake of existing, no hope for a better future, only the recognition that we are all mired in the same stultifying muck together. I guess you believe that if one person is in misery its only "fair" if ALL are in misery.

Your faith in the concept of a utopian society that is "fair" is built upon the fallacy that that place actually exists. It hasnt, doesnt, and never will. Unless we all go back to the caves and engage in subsistence living.

Do you like sport where there are no losers Jemmy? Do you like politics where anyone who wants office gets it? Do you believe if I want to date some gal she should be required to do so, lest I feel disadvantaged relative to her chosen other? Do you think we all must be required to laugh at any joke told us, so as to prevent some being considered "better" joke tellers than others? Do you think that there should be no grades given at school, so no one has a intellectual upper hand? You must, because youd ont think there should be any "losers".

Your world sounds like hell.