Friday, August 20, 2010

A lot of World War II anniversaries coming upon us lately - VJ Day, Battle of Britain, et al.
It seems that the capitalist- and state-owned media are bent on reminding us of the necessity of war, of the heroism of the past; that it might somehow help to put a positive spin on current military failures? Or is it that in these times when there's nothing to celebrate, past glories may help to cover the wretchedness of our lot?
Today the actor Robert Hardy was hired to repeat Churchill's Battle of Britain speech, bringing a bit of obligatory showbiz into the celebration. Was Rory Bremner otherwise engaged? Naomi Campbell, post war crimes trial appearance, would have pulled a bigger crowd.
Whenever we are subjected to these Churchill turns, I'm reminded of a lad who did the same for us back in the forties. "Do Churchill", was the request and off he went.
Standing on any nearby spot that raised him above us he would declaim in a ponderous voice "We will fight the them on the beaches, we will fight them ... and the litany of battlegrounds would get longer and more outlandish. I think "... in the shithouses" was a regular feature.
As he rambled on the saliva would roll down his chin and the spittle would fly in authentic Churchillian fashion. More and more as he went on until, I suppose, it got too much, or his saliva glands were exhausted.
How we loved it.
No one would suspect today how much Churchill was hated by the ordinary people of Britain at the time. Whenever his grinning cigar-stuffed face appeared on cinema newsreels a collective booing would break out, with a small coterie of the deferential rising to their feet and applauding. Returning servicemen too gave him a khaki election arse-kicking, which the Tory propagandists couldn't believe. They had made the mistake of misjudging the mood of the people.
Now of course that's all forgotten. Nil de Winston nisi bonum

Second thoughts (21.8.10): Our Churchill street theatre probably dates back to the early fifties, rather than the forties. The Tories were back in power in 1951. An additional feature of our entertainer's shtick was the obligatory victory sign.


fleming said...

My my Jemmy, you seem a bitter soul. Would you prefer the jerries won the day and you came under their benevolent leadership? Perhaps a russkie takeover would have imparted their communist ways and now all would be hunky-dory in Englandland, eh?

No doubt you consider the world a sorry place, and anything would be better than the way it is now. That seems a miserable way to be. Perhaps instead realize that the world will always be highly, highly imperfect, and the best you can hope for is to live the best life you can with the tools you are provied out of the womb. I mean, all this hand wringing by you about every poor soul on the globe seems to ensure you will be eternally miserable, because human suffering is as endemic to the human condition as sunlight. Are you really so angry at the injustics felt every second every day by billions? Good lord man, go have a pint...then another...then another....LOL

Jemmy Hope said...

Jesus Christ! Doctor Pangloss is alive and well and living in Atlanta,Ga.
"It is demonstrable," said he, "that things cannot be otherwise than they are; For as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end ... and they who assert that everything is right do not express themselves correctly; they should say that everything is best."

fleming said...

Pretty much Jemmy :) You see, human nature has developed over millions of years, has it not? Therefore its not by accident that things are the way they are.

Wouldnt it be wonderful if the gazelles and lions could play together as friends and just eat already dead plants for their nourishment? Wouldnt that be a swell world!!??? LOL

Jemmy Hope said...

"Wouldnt it be wonderful if the gazelles and lions could play together as friends ..."

but no surprise if gazelles played with gazelles and lions with lions. Are you dividing the human race into separate species|?

fleming said...

Its a little more complicated than that Jemmy. What Im saying is that there will ALWAYS be predators and "lead dogs", as it were. Its the nature of nature, and thus of humanity.

Besides, ever see two male deers spar during mating season? Its not a intra-species love fest. Lions will kill other lions over territorial rights. Yes, yes, I know, we are supposed to be so far advanced, we no longer have such animal instincts. You're only about 10,000,000 years ahead of your time, Jemmy :)

You can divide the human race along many lines - religion, culture, race, geography, tribe, socio-economic status, political views, favorite "soccer" club :), whatever. The point is, there will always be some group aligning themsevles for a greater portion of limited resources. Its how our ancestors survived and then ultimately procreated. Its endemic to human history, human kind, and human beings. Im sorry if that bums you out, but its in your, mine and every other person's genes.

Jemmy Hope said...

"The problem with the economist's claim that humans are motivated by self-interest is that self-interest is taken in its narrowest and most limited sense - immediate material gratification. But self-interest also includes clean air, community, security and culture, aspects which require a long-term view, not found among those corporate apologists."
(larry Gambone)

"Given the right conditions all people will act in a brutal manner. Given the right conditions all people are capable of altruism."
(Same Larry G.)

fleming said...

Quoting others is fine, Jemmy, but it does not advance your argument much (unless you can literally quote "God" - and not from the bible).

Corprorations and people do not act soley in their immediate self interest for pure "self-gratification". What a silly notion. I work out and watch my diet. If I was unconcerned about the future I would more likely sit on the couch munching fried donuts.

Same with companies. Every time a company purchases capital equipment, be it for new technology, expanded facilities, or in employee training, they are forsaking the present for the future.

There you go again with your utopian dreams: "Given the right conditions". Please, do let me know when the "right conditions" ever prevailed over a wide population for an extended period. Pure fantasy Jemmy, pure fantasy. Besides, who sets "those conditions"? But one point is to be made: We cant even get people to stop shortening their own lives, despite imploring them to eat less, not smoke and exercise more. And yet you expect humans to collectively work together on behalf of others? My my Jemmy.

Regardless, altruistic acts every day in the US. We are swamped with volunteers and charities doing good deeds. And yet, with 300 million residents, somehow we still cant bail out the rest of the world's 3 billion poor. How shameful for us. That is what we are "supposed" to do, collectively, right Jemmy?

Jemmy Hope said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jemmy Hope said...

You're beginning to tire me, fleming, with your accounts of what a wonderful person you are and how nobody can measure up to you. You're a blowhard, plain and simple. Kill, rob, enslave, exploit; you honestly think that that is a sane way of acting on a national and international level?
Paranoiacs manipulated by psychopaths, your political utopia.
The great fear of your mentors, the people who programmed you, is a population combining for the common good, people acting altruistically. You sneer at the idea, they have nightmares about it. Preach hate, of this ethnic group, of that status group; stir the pot, divide and rule. Because if the mass of people ever come to realise that their resentment is directed at the wrong target, that the source of their ills and their discontents is located elsewhere, then the shit will hit the fan. Then the messenger boys of hate politics, blowhards like you, will be left, not with egg on their faces, but with shit up to their eyebrows. Speed the day.

fleming said...

Oh dear Jemmy, did I catch you on a bad day? Or did my words bother you to such a degree, did they make you question your puny ideas so much, that you had to lash back with a personal attack? Dont fret Jemmy, Im not cowed by your words. I recognize them as being from someone whose protective egg shell has been cracked, and doesnt know quite how to handle it...

BTW, I certainly didnt mean to boast. I merely used myself as an example, as Im most familiar with me, of course. And I am far, far from "wonderful", I suppose, although Im not all bad, at least.

Robot fleming reporting for duty sir! HAHAHA. You really believe that "you are brainwashed" tripe will work with me? Cause me to say, ooooo, maybe Jemmy is on to something? Maybe I am just a pawn in this game......ooooo

Good lord man, Im not some weak minded soul who jumps at the first cult that comes his way. Please. I have independent ideas that do not fit any programed pattern, no matter how much you like to pretend. For instance, I am here, blogging away with you, when I could be on any number of sites that would reinforce, rather than challenge, my perspective. Guess I must have a pretty solid grip on my views or I wouldnt risk them, would I? Now you, on the otherhand, my friend.....hahahha

Jemmy Hope said...

Blah, blah, blah.

As I wrote before I'm getting very tired of your crowing and your sneering, and I'm on the verge of pulling the plug on you, as many have done before me.
You're going to have to find another channel for your poison.

fleming said...

Many Jemmy? Exactly one. You know who.

Your call, obviously. Sure, Ive been a smart ass on occassion, but you have too.

Ban my different opinions if it makes you feel better. Doesnt mean they (and I) dont exist.

r.s. said...

What’s all this about? Let me guess, must be more of fleming’s survival of the fittest, body beautiful fascist crap LOL...wait let me read it properly.

r.s. said...

"The great fear of your mentors, the people who programmed you, is a population combining for the common good, people acting altruistically. You sneer at the idea, they have nightmares about it. Preach hate, of this ethnic group, of that status group; stir the pot, divide and rule. Because if the mass of people ever come to realise that their resentment is directed at the wrong target, that the source of their ills and their discontents is located elsewhere"

Bravo, well said Jemmy!

r.s. said...

"Quoting others is fine, Jemmy, but it does not advance your argument much"

Are you kidding? The Larry Gambone quotes were perfect, and the efficacy of your writing suffered as a result. By the way fleming, who can you quote to advance your thesis in a logical way – Mussolini?

r.s. said...

It is America’s shame. Its civilization is shown in economic and political scandals that stink to high heaven. Its human rights are displayed by 15 million unemployed who apparently chose to be so. An astonishing three million Americans are homeless, but according to fleming, it’s nobody’s fault but their own. Never mind the real cause (lack of affordable housing and the inadequacy of minimum wages and social security payments) they deserve to be swept away like yesterday's garbage.

Jemmy Hope said...

What to do? If I cut fleming loose I won't get r.s's ripostes. Decisions, decisions ...

fleming said...

Lets see r.s., gosh, I could quote Ayn Rand. Or Ronald Reagan. Or Milton Friedman. Or the Founding Fathers. And on and on and on.

So the largest and most successful economy in the world should be "shamed" according to R.S. because of its many failings. Meanwhile other places with vastly more poor who are much worse off than anyone in the US (seen pictures of an Indian slum, or African village?) should be proud of their noble achievements....gimmme a break

Show me the economic model, currently in place, that is up to your utopoian standards. Sweden, that tiny country with a homogeneous population, perhaps? LOL

You clearly have no grasp of the USA's underlying culture. Its based on the primacy of the individual. End of story. If you dont get that, you lack a fundamental understanding which prohibits you from grasping even the most basic truths about the most dymanic, wealthiest, and strongest country that has ever existed.

Jemmy Hope said...

" ... the most dynamic ... country that has ever existed."
Here's another quote for you "Let's go living in the past" (Jethro Tull)

You really should try a little quoting, flem. Wading through some other headcase's maunderings would make a change.

fleming said...

Woe is to those who underestimate the US, Jemmy. Do you think our past has been nothing but smooth sailing, that we had no obstacles to overcome? Surely you arent that naieve.

Recall the civil war. 800,000 killed, the country literally split in two. And where did we go from there? During the Vietnam era, Jane Fonda poised with our enemies and Natl Guard troops gunned down college students. There were violent groups of US CITIZENS actively seeking to overthrow the US Govt.

So go "chicken little" all you want. As Mark Twain once said, inserting the USA, "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated." Hows that for a quote??? LOL

Also, if we did "collapse", who would fill the void? China? Russia? India? Iran? You really think its wise to be cheering on our demise with such lovelys waiting in the wings??? hahahah

Jemmy Hope said...

So the Vietnamese were your enemies, flem. Remind me, what exactly was their crime against the USA? Were you decorated for your part in that campaign? Or did you do your patriotic duty in some other theatre of conflict?

fleming said...

Lets see Jemmy, 50,000 americans were killed in Vietnam. Beyond that I cant think of any reason to consider them our enemies (at the time)....

Look, you want to play Monday morning quaterback? As if had you been in charge all the right decisions would have been made? Sure.....

My personal history is irrelevant Jemmy. Vietnam is still an impoverished shithole to this day, and probably always will be. Communism aint the way to prosperity. Even the chinese have figured that out. Not sure why you are so slow on the uptake.

The USA didnt become what it is because of "criminal slavery and coloniasm". They may be part of our past but they are not our total past. Much like nose picking is something I have done, but it does not define me :) The most successful economic model in the history of the world, and you refuse to accept the simple truth that it was built on the concepts of individual liberties, capitalism and freedom. But yea, all those things are negated by your "I hate all things USA becuase its successful and the rest of the world aint" rhetoric. Sure.....

Jemmy Hope said...

" ... 50,000 americans were killed in Vietnam."
That would be 50,000 trained, armed and combat-ready service personnel. Tell me, who invited them into Vietnam? An armed force of one country entering another uninvited is an AGGRESSOR.
How many Vietnamese children were killed in this conflict? How many patients and staff in the Hanoi hospital bombed by the US Airforce (war crime). Chemical warfare, napalm, agent orange (war crimes).
The best equipped military force in the world, and they left Vietnam looking like whipped dogs.
Stick to invading countries like Grenada - no army you see. How many US army regiments emblazon "Grenada" on their colours?

"Monday morning quarterback", I was opposing the Vietnam war back in the sixties. My voice joined the millions of others around the world. You couldn't win, you could only destroy, a lesson your politicians still haven't learned.
That's why Vietnam is a shithole. The US made it so, something the French and the Japanese never quite managed. They got their arses kicked too. That General Giap, some soldier.
Talking of soldiers, it's always the armchair warriors who are the biggest enthusiasts for war, don't you find? What's that American expression? Chicken hawks.

fleming said...

Classic uber liberalism from Jemmy. When it comes down to it people like Jemmy always resort to personal attacks rather than actually arguing the merits of their POV. Its the last gasp of the desperate debater and/or those that are mentally ill equipped. LOL

As much as you would like it Jemmy Whemmy, the USA is not going to arrest itself and march off to a giant jail whilst you and your buds pass judgement on us. So sorry. :)

I have an older pal who was a Marine. He fought during Tet and used to marvel how the media made it look like we lost when, from his first hand and close up experience, the Marines delivered a real ass kicking. Maybe you shouldnt believe everything you read in the press...LOL LOL

But yea you're probably right, I keep waiting for Vietnam to launch their counter offensive here on US shores with their vastly superior military machine and personnel. HAHAHAH

The lesson we should have learned is to TRULY win a war it has to be all out. The way we humbled Japan, the way the Germans figured out they had to surrender or Russia was going to literally annihilate the entire country out of revenge. We try and be the nice guy and it never pays off. That is our real weakness, we dont have the stomach to really get the job done.

I look forward to the day when the Vietnamese rise to the military prominence they apparently so richly deserve, being such badass motherfuckers. Let us know Jemmy.

If we had really lost the war Jemmy, wouldnt our generals and such being doing time for their "war crimes"? Hmmm, that aint happening, is it? And gosh, but there are sure are lots of vietnamese livng here, wonder why they would flee to such a horrible war crime ridden country like the US????

Gosh Jemmy, we are such a terrible people here in the US, really appreciate you letting me know so, with all your righteous indignation and seething arrogance. Im also quite impressed by your moral outrage. LOL

What is funny is listening to you critique the fighting capabilities of the US military, as if you have the slightest idea of what you are talking about. Absolutely hilarious. Anan has you pegged there HAHAHAHHAHAH

Vietnam was impoverished before we got there and its slightly less impoverished now. Communism sucks balls Jemmy. If we had "won" that country would be the epitome of modernness and economic progress. Sucks for them, but at least this way you can still preach from the "high ground". LOL

fleming said...

Good point Jemmy. That is, the pointlessness of using any kind of humor with a bitter, hateful, angry, whiney, self-loathing nasty old hippie like yourself.

Jemmy Hope said...

Anti-war protester = hippie, is that your logic? I never was a hippie, but was labelled a 'dinosaur' by those individuals because I clung to the belief in change wrought by an organised working class.
So you see, flem, you're more of a hippy than I am. You hate the organised working class, you believe that consumption (drugs in their case) will bring happiness, you think it's all going to work out fine, don't lift a finger.
The hippy movement (or non-movement) was an American phenomenon - obviously.

fleming said...

Truvle moves HQ to Atlanta
Israeli software company Truvle Ltd. is relocating its headquarters to Atlanta, lured by the region’s low cost of business and its reputation as a travel industry hub



(front page news of atlanta paper, announced as very good news!)

r.s. said...

"We try and be the nice guy and it never pays off. That is our real weakness, we dont have the stomach to really get the job done."

Throughout their failed ten-year occupation of Afghanistan the Soviets engaged in the same (scorched-earth, take-no-prisoners, no-holds-barred) tactics that you are now considering. Just do it, if that’s what you want, but you will still lose this war. And this is not how warriors behave but how cowards operate.