Friday, March 30, 2012

When I headed yesterday's post with the words "very strange" I didn't explain why.
I was referring to the fact that, although the troll continually tagged my comments elsewhere with some offensive remarks, he seemed to steer clear of my blog.
Any comment I made on the Angry Arab's Comment Section was likely to be followed by a personal attack on me. When the troll was warned about this he began to make racist remarks about the 'English'. Eventually was was banned, not for his attacks on me but for his lies, calumnies and extremist remarks; also, for generally pissing people off.
Then, much, much later, he shows up here.

He left two comments, using two different names, both on subjects aired some time ago.
The first was on Arthur J. Miller's piece about Robert Bales' massacre of Afghan civilians, and the historical context. This elicited the comment that Afghans hated the English and believed that the English supported the Taliban. No mention of the original subject.
The other comment was attached to a post about Palestine. This accused the English of trying to engineer a war between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and suggested (no kidding) that the English should go in and start their own war. There can't be enough concurrent wars for this self-styled follower of M.K.Gandhi. One is tempted to suspect a link to the US arms industry.
However, I've stopped speculating on the possibility that this dangerous fool is being manipulated by some organisation bent on creating conflict worldwide. Whether wittingly or unwittingly this individual is an agent of chaos, conflict, and ethnic, racial and confessional hatred.
He is poison personified.


Fleming said...

Ease up Jemmy. The guy is obviously mentally ill.

Jemmy Hope said...

Don't get comfortable here, flem. I only let this comment through to show that even a teabagging, neocon gun-nut like won't defend the creep.

Flem said...

Jemmy, I understand your hatred of me. Fine. But I have been going thru some personal stuff lately that has me thinking and wondering about a lot of things. No, I'm probably not about to do a 180 reversal. But I am trying desperately to be kinder and gentler. I ipunderstand if you don't believe me, or don't care.


Jemmy Hope said...

What? A Damascene conversion? This will be worth following. Unless you're adopting the onan approach to commenting; "Ilove everybody, I'm a man of peace. We just need to wipe out 80% of the world's population to achieve that peace. Shantih, shantih, shantih."

Flem said...

This is not trickery or silliness. Mostly a recognition that life is difficult and short, and eventually ends. I hate all the suffering we all endure, but don't have magic solutions.

Rather than berating and villlifying, I do think there are better ways that still allow for effective debate.

Jemmy Hope said...

Hmm! We shall see.

thankgodimatheist said...

Flem reconsidering his approach? Interesting..I may lift the ban if such is the case..As you say, we shall see.

Flem said...

I am kinder and gentler. Not bombastic or vitriolic. We may disagree but I do not attack or seek to offend.

Unknown said...

This accused the English of trying to engineer a war between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and suggested (no kidding) that the English should go in and start their own war.

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