Thursday, January 12, 2012

... and the new look Titi Henry reminds me of someone.


Jemmy Hope said...
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Jemmy Hope said...

I meant to flush the above, but found that I'd posted it instead.
It is a response to a comment I made on an article that equated the murderers of Bloody Sunday in Derry (paras), with the Paras of Arnhem Bridge in WW2. My point was that the latter were mainly conscripts, whereas the killers who fired on defenceless people were well payed volunteers, who then maligned the dead by portaying them as IRA gunmen. That the reluctant fighters acted heroically whereas the professionals acted in a cowardly and dishonourable manner.

Note that the above rant has no relation to the posting to which it was attached. We are not dealing with a rational human being here.
This is the creature from the Okefenokee Swamp -
who addresses a woman thus: "Marines kill sandnigger filth - they can piss wherever they fucking like.
Comprehende bitch?"
This is the individual who boasts that he and his gun-hugging fellow morons use the photograph of my three-year old grandson and myself for target practice.
The individual who wished a painful and lingering illness on me
(he got his wish).
One would think that someone who fetishises firearms, speaks so highly of professional killers, and writes of "service with honor" would be keen to join the armed forces. But hold up!
Soldiers and marines come under enemy fire. The only danger this homunculus faces is a scorched arsehole when he sets his farts alight.

Flembo said...

A few comments:
"bitch" was addressed to tgia. When used to a reference another male, it implies an extra level of derision
I don't live anywhere near that swamp but kudos on doing your research. It is in the state of GA.
You miss no opportunity to degrade the professional class do you? All hail the worker bees, unfailingly noble, righteous, and moral in their eternal fight for justice (groan)
So from those two isolated incidents you draw severe conclusions. How do you know all the conscripts behaved heroically? Weren't they led by professionals? Reluctant warriors arent typically better at the task as charged, at least until they receive proper training from professionals - or you believe Hollywood myths.
I'm a bit long in the tooth for military service, and probably would not qualify physically now, as I had my own bout with serious illness once. I'm by no means disabled, but am no longer 100% as the military demands. I did apply for OCS years ago but fell short because my test scores far exceeded my academic performance, and they had concerns i did not fully apply myself. Should have probably applied again, but for some reason did not.
If you are truly in agony Jemmy, I am not so hard hearted I can't have sympathy. Without good health life is not much fun. I hope you recover from whatever ails you.
You really think I'm going to the trouble of putting up pictures of you and your grandson for target practice? Please. Also,, I don't shoot pictures of little kids, period.

thankgodimatheist said...

Now I think we don't need any more proof that the guy is a psychopath and more sinisterly,a sociopath. Who in his right mind would pursue people, on their blogs, with such unrelenting viciousness and nastiness for merely having contradictory views? To think that this grub held this unimaginable level of meanness towards me for being a "sandnigger" is delusion since he extends his acrimony to those, who aren't aligned with him at the far right with Hitler.
BTW, sorry to hear you're not well. I hope you get better soon..

Jemmy Hope said...

Whine, whine, whine!
So calling a man 'bitch' (the argot of the repressed homosexual)is OK? Not that I believe you were directing the insult at TGIA.
So you don't shoot at pictures of little kids, you just boast that you do do it. Much better, eh?
Forget about the sympathy, I don't want any positive thoughts of yours coming my way. I bask in the hatred of you and your kind. If you had any good thoughts about me I'd know there was something wrong with me.
I keep flushing your turds but this one got through and I bothered to reply. I have no intention doing so again. You are a parasite, a tapeworm, the battening on the product of other, saner denizens of the blogosphere. You can send me all the racist, misanthropic, poison you like - i'll delete it, and if I publish it in error, I'll delete it then. No more replies. Find somewhere else to squat and defecate.

Plain English -

Flem said...

Your site is awash in viewer comments, per usual.....hahahahAha