Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I never liked Michael Winner - violent films, shabby treatment of those who couldn't complain. But since his passing I've learned a couple of things about him that I didn't know.

He turned down an OBE, though I can't help wondering if his reason might have been that he wanted nothing less than a knighthood.

He put that nasty piece of work Littlejohn in his place on a chat show hosted by that (I quote) "arsehole" -
“I’m quite appalled - and very nearly walked out - to be on a British television programme where lesbians are wheeled in for you to make smutty and offensive remarks to.
“I think it was an absolutely shameful exhibition of vulgarity directed toward a minority. I think the lesbians have come over with considerable dignity and you’ve come over as an arsehole.”

ADDENDUM, 24.1.13
I learned today that there are those who believe that Littlejohn protests too much about the gay community, and think that this obsession signals homosexual tendencies.
I looked him up on wikipedia and noted this piece of research from 2004 by Ms Marina Hyde -
In the past year's Sun columns, Richard has referred 42 times to gays, 16 times to lesbians, 15 to homosexuals, eight to bisexuals, twice to 'homophobia' and six to being 'homophobic' (note his scornful inverted commas), five times to cottaging, four to 'gay sex in public toilets', three to poofs, twice to lesbianism, and once each to buggery, dykery, and poovery. This amounts to 104 references in 90-odd columns — an impressive increase on his 2003 total of 82 mentions. There is, alas, no space for us to revisit the scientific study which found obsessive homophobes more responsive to gay porn. But Richard, we're begging you: talk to someone.


ray said...

I didn't know about that. Well spotted.

Jemmy Hope said...

Cheers, Ray.