Thursday, February 20, 2014

(photo by Sarah Hemingway)
Bloke on the right with hands in pockets. Can't even pick up a placard or banner. Looks like he's in the wrong place.

Between 60 and 70 cheerful, friendly people turned out for yesterday's protest against the ATOS killing machine in Hull. Listening to their stories one wondered how they managed to keep so upbeat, the targets and victims of ATOS, that is.
There was also support from unions; GMB, Unison, Unite, banners flying. I also saw CWU members present (and one IWW).
How it went in other towns is still something of a mystery. I can't find any mention on the national news. But, as one of yesterday's speakers pointed out, 40,000 people protested against the bedroom tax in London and the BBC didn't even notice. I wait for reports from out citizen journalists.

Addendum: film of some of the demos here

Addendum plus: I forgot to mention the presence of Karl Turner, MP for East Hull. Only fair as I predicted that none of Hull's three parliamentary representatives would show.

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