Monday, September 10, 2007

A thought occurs to me as I listen to news and sports reporters maundering on about the Rugby World Cup. How is it that the English can correctly pronounce the -gli- in the name of Laurence Dallaglio, but persist in mispronouncing those same letters in the name of Modigliani, and in tagliatelli and zabaglione?

A recent survey found that the greatest sartorial faux pas in the public view is wearing socks with sandals. Not for me, though I can't see the attraction of sandals for adult males. The biggest gaffe in my eyes is wearing a tie with a short-sleeved shirt. Tie - formal, short sleeves - informal, it's easy. I also grind my teeth at the current "fashion" for wearing sunglasses on the top of the head, which can be read by trained semioticians as "trendy and stupid". Let us pray that before long even idiots will recognise the idocy of this affectation.

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