Sunday, December 06, 2009

"Israeli barcode starts with 729"

so I'm informed.


fleming said...

I just bought some delicious shelled walnut halves with this code. Thanks so much Jammy for helping me direct my purchases toward those I support! :)

Jemmy Hope said...

OH NO! Not the dreaded fleming!
Enjoy them while you can, flem, their production will soon be under new management.

fleming said...

Oh dear Jemmy, am I really dreaded? Shoot, I could be just the thing your site needs to get the comments ramped up.

I doubt that Jemmy. Israel is not going anywhere. At least not until arab hordes run wild in the streets...

You and I may fundamentally disagree about many things Jemmy, but you are a decent guy. Needless to say, I loathe the proprieter of the other site. Id say his attitude made much more pro-Israel than I ever knew I was!

Jemmy Hope said...

Enough with the "decent guy" soft soap, flem, you're on my territory now. There are rules, you know.

fleming said...

Dont mistake my "decent guy" comment for a love note Jemmy! :)

No worries, re: rules. Im not here to cause chaos or spread my wicked views. haha

I mean you are very confused politically but at least you aint a fanatical semi terrorist :). I can deal with the former.

Jemmy Hope said...

You do like to keep a conversation going, flem.
There'll soon be more comments to this one posting than in the rest of this hidden gem of a blog.

thankgodimatheist said...

Hi Jemmy
Personally I keep the cockroaches in a bottle. Not that they're dangerous or harmful or anything, it just doesn't look nice to see them crawling around. You step on one and you get a mess.:)
BTW, thanks for posting the bar code..

Jemmy Hope said...

Cheers, TG. I don't mind an exchange with old fleming on occasion - a trip to the wilder shores of political debate, as it were. Debate might be a euphemism though. "Compliments pass when the quality meet", as the Irish saying goes.

fleming said...

Gosh Jemmy, you do let just about ANYONE post here, dont you? Even fanatical terrorist wannabes?! You are quite the egalitarian, indeed.

Where "the loathesome one" steps is less important than the skies above him. By the time he feels the heat of a predator missile halfway up his arse, it will be much too late! :)

In terms of debate, I could comment about the goings on in Copenhagen. Its nothing but an attempt by the developing countries to extract wealth from the wealthier nations. Imagine, using junk science and bogus statistics to "guilt" the "rich" nations to vomit up cash! Call it global wealth redistribution.

No matter, not going to happen. The science is bogus and the US congress will never approve it. Even they are not that stupid.

Jemmy Hope said...

There's an English (i.e., British) expression, flem, "a load of cobblers". I'm reminded of it as I read your comment.

Congress not stupid - no, maybe some are just venal. As one of your politicians once wrote, "An honest politician is one who, when bought, stays bought." Your congress is in the pocket of the oil industry (inter multa alia*).

Do I let anyone post? Yes, so far, but that can change. Tread carefully!

*Sorry about the dead language, I know it annoys you.

fleming said...

I dont find latin annoying except when used as a weapon to terrorize and intimidate. As if a point of view gains credibility or gravitas because its expressed in the dead language. Marcatu used latin as a tool to exhibit his grotesque academic hubris. I called him on it. So sorry.

I dont have love of a particular US political party. But I do loathe one less than the other. Congress can barely justify raping the US taxpayer when the money stays home. Do you think they are going to be able to sell further rape and then going overseas with the proceeds? Not even the unions will get on board with that! (sorry to hit so close to home)