Sunday, August 08, 2010

So Milk Snatcher mark ii has been forced into a rapid volte-face, good exercise for a hubristic reactionary. That was a Thatcherite step too far.
The way things are going with this Fred Karno inspired government a reshuffle cannot be far away. The only problem with that corrective is that the dismissals would have to start at the top. Tweedlecam seems incapable of addressing an audience without making a ricket of breathtaking proportions. His sidekick, Tweedleclegg has informed the world that his colleagues were cheerleaders of an illegal war ('Politician Tells Truth Shock'). That must have given old Hague a jolt as he sat beside the Lib-Dem peacenik. The Gove puppet claims that over a thousand schools are clamouring to become academies post-haste, so rush the legislation through. Then it's "Hang on, slight miscalculation", and it turns out that thirty-six schools have said "Maybe".
Then there was the early bath for somebody whose name I've already forgotten, who was on the fiddle.
It's not going well, is it?


Jim Ennis said...

I've got a good line for tweedleclegg at the upcoming Lib-Dem conference, to paraphrase David Steel, "Go back to your constituancies and prepare for annihilation".

As for that chinless, arrogant, supercillious twerp Gove, the man is quite obviously a pathological liar.

Jemmy Hope said...

I'm wondering if Cleggie dare turn up at the conference, Jim. He might call in sick.

Gove always reminds me of a schoolkid who's about to get it in the neck from teacher. So who better to engineer the collapse of our education system? Revenge on sir.