Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Andrew Marr, one of the BBC's eunuchs, has described bloggers as "socially inadequate, pimpled, single, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed young men sitting in their mother's basements".
Somebody has rattled his cage.
I once heard heard Marr say on the television "In the eighties we all got rich." I knew then that he was a 22 carat prat.


thankgodimatheist said...

Let's see if I pass..
"socially inadequate"
I need to tell this to my friends..
Nope..tanned most of the year thanks to our Aussie sun..
Nope, double..
"slightly seedy"
Not sure what it means but I don't smoke, don't drink (regularly), don't gamble(ever), don't remember jokes, not even the dirty ones and have no use of pick up lines..

So far safe on that front..
"cauliflower-nosed young men"
Past my prime, alas!..
"sitting in their mother's basements".
Mother deceased, living with wife and child..

Jemmy Hope said...

If you ever saw Andrew Marr, TG, you'd wonder at the gall of the man to remark adversely on anyone's looks. It has been pointed out that Marr actually quoted malicious internet rumours about PM Gordon Brown's mental health to Brown during an interview.

thankgodimatheist said...

Holy Moly Jemmy..I Googled him (if I may) and it's much worse than I could imagine! How could someone who's been treated so unfairly by nature be talking about looks?