Saturday, March 17, 2012

SOMETHING HAPPENING HERE? 16 dead in Afghanistan murdered by a lone U.S. solider. The talking heads of the ruling class cry crocodile tears in proclaiming that this was just an isolated case, and not a reflection on what America is. Nor were the other murders by a few “bad apples” in Afghanistan and Iraq? Nor is the rise of family murders by soldiers? Nor is the American culture of violence seen throughout the U.S.? So how about the fact the the U.S. military has killed more innocent people in Afghanistan and Iraq than those the U.S. went to war against because they were murdering tyrants? How about the Moro Crater Massacre (Philippines), No Gun Ri Massacre (South Korea), My Lai Massacre (Vietnam), to name just a few Massacres of the innocent in U.S. wars? How about the genocide of the Native people in the land of America? The Washitam Massacre, the Bear River Massacre, the Sand Creek Massacre, the Wounded Knee Massacre, the Pine Ridge Reign of Terror, to name a few? Or the shooting down of working people, the Ludlow Massacre, the Lattimer Massacre, the Memorial Day Massacre, to name a few? How about the kidnapping of Black people for slavery, how many dead in that crime? How about the long list of lynchings of Black people, Native people, Chicano people, labor activists, remember Frank Little and Wesley Everest? Or the murder of Asian people throughout the west? Or the gunning down of students, the Orangeburg Massacre, the Jackson State Massacre, and the Kent State Massacre? Or the near endless list of cop killings of innocent people, remember John T. Williams, Bobby Hutton, Fred Hampton, and Joe Stuntz Killsright to name a few? How many innocent people have died by those trained at U.S. run School of Assassins? Are they all just isolated cases?

FW Arthur J. Miller, Tacoma IWW, Washington, USA

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