Sunday, February 01, 2015

Time, I think, for a poetry season.
Idris Davies has appeared here before, and no doubt will do so again.

(Idris Davies)

You stood behind your Bible
And thundered lie on lie,
And your roaring shook your beard
And the brow above your eye.

There was squalor all around you
And disaster far ahead,
And you roared the fall of Adam
To the dying and the dead.

You built your slums, and fastened
Your hand upon your heart
And warned the drab illiterate
Against all useless art.

And you died upon the Sabbath
In bitterness and gloom,
And your lies were all repeated
Above your gaudy tomb.


Chris H said...

I don't get moved much by poetry but I do like Idris Davies. Thanks for the introduction to his work. Did find some youtube videos of his work in his own voice.

Jemmy Hope said...

I'll look out for them, Chris. Cheers!