Thursday, May 20, 2010

Message to Fleming -

If you 'd care to send in a joke insulting Jesus, and one insulting Moses, then I'll post your semi-joke insulting Muhammad along with them. Otherwise I, who have no time for religion, will just assume that you are using your crappy humour as a vehicle for your bigotry; and my blog as a medium for the same bigotry. It isn't going to work, my man.
You just happen to be targetting the monotheistic religion on which it is open season in your benighted country. Try picking on the Christian fundamentalists and the Jewish pro-Israel fanatics for a change. Have a pop at the people who fund your rabid neo-con propaganda machine.
If you lived in Sa'udi Arabia, flem, you'd be sneering at the cross worshippers. You'll always be with the biggest bully in the yard.

1 comment:

fleming said...

Jemmy: That is fine. I was pretty sure you wouldnt post it.

Look, I dont attend church, and consider myself an agnostic. I have no problem insulting Jesus. Its just that no good Jesus jokes have found their way in my email box of late :) (note: I didnt make the joke up)

My point in posting it here, where I knew you could and probably would censor it, was to show what is going around the western world. The joke actually originated in Scotland, at least that is where the person who sent it to me got it.

Here is an OLD joke for you I have told many times: Why dont baptists make love standing up? They are afraid someone will see them and think they are dancing.

You see Jemmy, you can get all righteous on me, but it doesnt work. Christian fundies are annoying to me as well. But I dont hear any major christian fundie groups calling for their members to wage holy war, literally, on non-believers. Do you?

The only exception would be the very occassional nutbag that kills an abortion doctor. But the fundies reject these jerks, and they go to jail.

The fact is Jemmy, we are smart enough to know what the truth is without the "lamestream media".

There is a war, in effect, between the new and old. There old world understands it is largely powerless, that its culture is under threat from western modernism. They hate it, and us, for it. They are too far behind, in wealth creation, technology advancement, military wherewithal, manufacturing capability and innovation, etc, that they can never catch up. Their only hope is either to somehow destroy our "system", or lead us into such self loathing that we do it ourselves. We refuse either option.

It is hardly "open season" on muslims in the US. If it were, the vitriol would be 10000 times worse. Do you see americans burning iranian flags? DO you hear american presidents calling Venezuela's president the devil in his own country? Do we jail christians who have converted to islam?

Muslims have far greater protection in the US than non-muslims (not just christians, but atheists too) do in most muslim countries.

Notice I havent attacked you personally Jemmy. I really wish you wouldnt do the same to me. You know absolutely nothing about me, and are merely projecting. Surely you are better than that.