Thursday, February 17, 2011

What he said -
"Global food prices are rising to dangerous levels and threaten tens of millions of poor people around the world."
(Robert Zoellick, President of the World Bank)

What he didn't say -
"... though personally I couldn't give a toss."

Or perhaps I malign the fellow. He is on record as saying that rising food prices are "a threat to growth and stability". Now stability is paramount to bureaucrats and their paymasters. "Every stable government in history has depended on the resignation of the poor to being poor" (Félicité Robert de Lamennais). Growth, of course, is always good, promising prosperity for all - promising but never delivering. "Jam tomorrow" or maybe the day after. The oft repeated saying of the navvies in Patrick McGill's 'Moleskin Joe', "There's a better world a-coming, but we won't live to see it."

"Equally science-fictional is the belief that capitalism will finally get round to feeding the world. If the political left had promulgated such a transparent absurdity for as long as its opponents have peddled this lie, it would have been howled down without mercy."
(Terry Eagleton, 'The Gatekeeper')

Growth that seems to produce no benefits for the majority; stability that condemns that majority to economic insecurity. These are the priorities of Herr Kommandeur Zoellick and his World Bank.

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