Wednesday, February 02, 2011

So now we know the gameplan. Obama calls on Mubarak to organise an "orderly transition" (no hurry, Hoss). Mubarak recognises the hint to cling on to power, and declares his intention to do so.
Then he sends in the heavy mob. Welcome back, runaway cops - civilian dress, a nice touch. The army turns its back on the people who put their trust in it. Now only the strong man Mubarak can restore order. Order sí, transition NO.

From As'ad AbuKhalil -
"As soon as I saw the defiant tone and substance of Mubarak's speech, I realized that he is not speaking for himself but for the US/Israeli sponsors. . . . I just read the speech by Obama: it confirmed my suspicion, that basically Mubarak was permitted by the US to do with the Egyptian people as he would like. Every drop of blood that is spilled in Egypt from this day onwards should be blamed on Obama because he has embraced this new strategy of letting Mubarak defy the popular will of the Egyptian people. I don't trust the Egyptian army: the top brass is handpicked by the US/Israel and can be easily bought off by a combination of bribes, gadgets, and perks. . . . The speech by Obama was a not-so-coded language that let Mubarak do what he wish: the talk about transition means that he was basically told to stay in power, because Israel really freaked out at the prospect of Egypt without Mubarak. . . . Make no mistake about it: this could be like the 1953 Operation Ajax in Iran. The US is now arranging for a coup against the will of the Egyptian people."

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