Monday, January 31, 2011

Egypt's new vice-president -
Habib was interrogated by the country’s Intelligence Director, General Omar Suleiman.... Suleiman took a personal interest in anyone suspected of links with Al Qaeda. As Habib had visited Afghanistan shortly before 9/11, he was under suspicion. Habib was repeatedly zapped with high-voltage electricity, immersed in water up to his nostrils, beaten, his fingers were broken and he was hung from metal hooks.
That treatment wasn't enough for Suleiman, so:
To loosen Habib’s tongue, Suleiman ordered a guard to murder a gruesomely shackled Turkistan prisoner in front of Habib – and he did, with a vicious karate kick.
After Suleiman's men extracted Habib's confession, he was transferred back to US custody, where he eventually was imprisoned at Guantanamo. His "confession" was then used as evidence in his Guantanamo trial.

General Suleiman may not get the top job. The Israelis, his closest collaborators, want him; and one assumes that Mubarak thinks he's the man to mind the shop. But the Yanks will stick out for their preferred puppet, el Baradi'i.

"Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss."
Or as Obama, Clinton, and the Little Sir Echoes of the UK government would put it, "orderly transition".

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