Monday, January 24, 2011

Talk is easy when you have no intention of following it up with action. Mr Burt is not about to transform himself into a man of action for peace. Why not? Because he's an Israel lobby stooge. He used to be (and maybe still is, for all I know) an officer of that infamous bunch of Israel-firsters, the Conservative Friends of Israel.
The Foreign Office is stuffed with them, all appointed by our new prime minister, David "I’m-a-Zionist" Cameron. This misguided individual is famously quoted on the Friends of Israel website as saying: "The friendship ... will deepen, because the ties between this party and Israel are unbreakable. And in me, you have a prime minister whose belief in Israel is indestructible."

Mr. Burt is Alistair, minister at the Foreign Office. He is also, according to the article, one those snake-juggling, glossolalic 'Christians' who pray for a big bust-up in the Middle East to fulfil the prophecy of some nutter (or dope-fiend?) of the First Century CE. Then old Jerusalem Slim will gather up his chosen ones, including Alistair and Pastor Terry Jones, and swag them off to Paradise.
Just the kind of person we need to get involved in Middle East affairs.


Chris H said...

Unfortunately some of my fellow God-botherers do have an unhealthy fascination with the modern secular rogue state of Israel. We're working on them though.

Jemmy Hope said...

I did put Christians in quotation marks, Chris.
I heard a story, I don't know if it's true, that Brendan Behan was asked his opinion of the Irish contribution to US politics. His reply, "It depends on whether you're talking about Joe McCarthy or Elizabeth Gurley Flynn."
My opinion on Christians is similar; it depends on whether you're talking about Francisco Franco or Ammon Hennacy.

Chris H said...

Indeed, we are a broad church covering virtually every type of 'ism' and 'osophy'. Some are more palatable than others.