Sunday, June 08, 2008

"He was rushed to an NHS hospital in Salisbury," Everett explains, "only to be put in a filthy ward where he had to wait three days for a scan. He was then discharged on the point of death without a diagnosis. We were horrified. They did f--- all."
Rupert Everett on his father's illness. Many of us could tell horror stories like this. I have one I'd love to tell if I could find a way to do so without making big trouble for individuals.
Everett has other targets; the Catholic Church, the military and those who volunteer to serve in it. How much of this is genuine indignation, and how much is a need to épater les bourgeois it's impossible to say. His anger over the treatment of his father must be real. If only we all had access to a safer alternative to the "reconfigured" NHS.
And Sharon Stone is "deranged"; suspicion confirmed.

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