Sunday, August 03, 2008

Gary McKinnon will be extradited to the USA to be made an example of. The "cops of the world" may be stupid, but God help anyone who mocks them for it. "Your security is really crap"; no surprise there. Their system in toto, social, economic and political is crap, but rather than try to clear up their own mess they prefer to bring the rest of the world down to their level, where greed coupled with stupidity ensures chaos.
"The world's most dangerous hacker", come off it! American hyperbole! The most powerful war-making machine in human history is in danger from a bloke with a computer looking for UFOs. Still, when he's manacled, shackled and hobbled, and surrounded by overweight gunslingers he might begin to look like some mass-murderer. If the TV cameras get it right McKinnon could be America's next bogeyman.
If the British state was not so compromised by its role as junior partner in war crime we might be able to insist that the US improves its human rights record before we hand our citizens over to the US justice system. Unfortunately we have gone too far down the American road act so independently.
"Increasingly, more and more Americans are guarding more and more American prisoners for more and more years, and this amidst the lowest crime rate in decades." (Mumia Abu-Jamal on Death Row, USA). In Britain the government is to build three new prisons to hold ten thousand extra prisoners. These will, no doubt be managed by private security firms, American style. More and more Britons ... (etc.) Yes, locking people up is a flourishing business. Train now to be a screw because the alternative is to be a con.
I'd like to make a little prediction here. David Hanson, the minister currently responsible for building more and more prisons and privatising the service will one day have a well paid post on the board of a security firm that has lucrative contracts in our prison system.

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