Sunday, October 18, 2009

"It's a story from the dark political underbelly that makes you question the entire setup, rethink humanity, and lean out your window and scream: what the hell is wrong with these people? Who are they, really? Why do we give them power?
"You read that right. It's a can't-sue-us-if-you're-raped clause. In a U.S. government contract. Aimed squarely at Halliburton. Thanks, Dick Cheney!
"The most repellant part is the 30 U.S. senators -- Republicans each and every one -- who just stepped forth to vote against the Franken amendment, essentially saying no, women should have no right to sue if they are sexually abused or gang raped, Halliburton and its ilk must be protected at all costs, and by the way we hereby welcome Satan into our rancid souls forevermore. God bless America."
(Via Angry Arab)


Chris Hall said...

I saw that story as well. I just couldn't believe it, how the hell a setup like that exists without calling down the wrath of the legal eagles is beyond me.

Jemmy Hope said...

How does it go, "... and justice for all"?