Thursday, July 01, 2010

Right, Afghanistan, let me settle that problem for the politicians. The war in Afghanistan will end when the politicans have the honesty and the guts to say, "We can't win this war, so we're skinning out."
When they do the Taliban will fire off their feux de joie, bugger a few little boys, and slaughter anyone they don't like. They will declare that they have defeated the evil crusaders. In the sense that they are still in Afghanistan and the invaders have left they can kid themselves that they have won. In fact everybody knows that it's a conflict that no-one can win.
But there will be losers: the dead of all nations and their grieving kin; the taxpayers of the alliance of the damned; and the United States military, whose credibility as a fighting force will be Vietnam-low. Finally the poor bombed and buffeted people of Afghanistan who will be left as prey to the régime of murderous fanatics.
And Karzai will settle down in Florida, USA, among all the other failed puppets of the American Empire.
Live long enough and history just becomes a series of repeats.


fleming said...

We have already won the war, Jemmy. Wars are fought between armies. The taliban and alqueda have been waging an illegal (by UN standards) combative action against US led forces, where they wear no uniforms. If they were an actual standing army now, with uniforms and organization, we would obliterate them in matter of days, if not hours.

You and I both know the US has the most powerful military on the planet. There is no dispute of this. When our enemies hide among civlians, in civilian clothes, it makes it a whole different matter. More of a policing situation. When we do leave Afghanistn, we'll do so with the understanding that they had better police themsevles or there will literally be hell to pay.

Jemmy Hope said...

Resisting an occupying force cannot be illegal, in my opinion. That is not to signal approval of the Taliban, most of what they do is an abuse of human rights (I don't know if you accept that concept). But resisting an invader is not a crime.
I don't like the Taliban, and I don't like Globocop and his killing machine either.
This war cannot be won, and so it cannot be lost. It can only drag on until sanity prevails. Only on Planet Fleming has the US been declared the victor.

fleming said...

Who cares about being declared victor. There is no entity which can surrender to us. Thus, when we depart, we will leave of our own accord...and with 50 times more dead of theirs than ours. As such, I declare we won in a landslide. Or, in less legal-ease, we delivered a good ole fashioned a** whooping, Jemmy. :)