Monday, July 02, 2012


David 'Dave' Cameron is "prepared to consider" a referendum on UK membership of the EU.

So no referendum then.

To be honest this particular piece of Cameronian bullshit doesn't need translation. I haven't heard or read one comment on this tall tale that gave it even minimal credence. Some think that Cameron can't be bothered to lie convincingly, the basic requirement of any politician.


Chris Hall said...

I read into it that he was going to be framing the question 'very carefully' should it ever come to a vote. I can't see a time when the people will ever be asked whether we want to be in or out of the EU. There's too much gravy to be had on the train to give up the golden goose.

Jemmy Hope said...

Wording is crucial, and, in my opinion, never neutral on the question posed.