Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Israel is one of our closest allies, and we and the Israeli people have a special bond that's not going to go away," Obama said in an interview with Fox News.
(Angry Arab's Comments Section)
... and AIPAC is his worst nightmare. Gutless creep!

Meanwhile Vice-President Joe Biden has been sent to sit on the naughty step.


thankgodimatheist said...

I was surprised to see that there's more than one bit of news here and there, which put together give a slightly better picture. Maybe a certain change in attitudes and perceptions..Today, I put up three posts which I found indicative of this, especially on the grassroots level of the American public..L'espoir fait vivre et un peu de cel, je ne cracherais jamais dessus!
BTW, the word verification now is 'trobo'.Talk about a coincidence!! TROP BEAU!! Could it be more befitting?

thankgodimatheist said...

I think there's a French speaking person living in your 'leave your comment section'! Just as I was about to leave another message, another word comes up and it's "ingrat"..I'm sure you know what it means!
I'm out of here! ha ha..

Jemmy Hope said...

C'est l'ange gardien du blog, je crois, qui est francophone.