Thursday, March 04, 2010

Michael Foot has died, and Worzel Gummidge has become "a great parliamentarian" and "a great orator". He was also a pacifist AND a privy councillor, no wonder he always wore the look of someone who didn't know where he was. As a member of the Queen's secret council he had to keep his trap shut while the Falklands adventure ran its course. He who lies down with dogs gets up stinking like a dog.
Still he can't have been all bad; a Murdoch hack on Sky News described his political beliefs as extremism. Maybe Foot thought that Murdoch should have paid taxes while he lived in this country. That would be extreme in the eyes of a Murdoch toady.
He was, they say with relief, the last of Old Labour. We won't see his like again, thank Christ! Now let's get back to turning the country into a midden.

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