Saturday, April 24, 2010

The right wing "historian", Orlando Figes, has been caught out pseudonymously puffing his own work on Amazon. He impressed himself with a work that he declared to be "beautifully written" and "a rich and deeply moving history, which leaves the reader awed, humbled, yet uplifted ..."
At the same time he was rubbishing the work of other historians (is that 'other' superfluous?) in the same field of Russian historical studies. He found their efforts "awful", "poorly written", "dull", "dense", "pretentious". Clearly the discipline is fortunate to have Professor F. exercising quality control in the Russian quarter of Academia, weeding out material that fails to attain the Figean gold standard.
When his cover was blown the Professor resorted to weapon of choice of wealthy and well connected Britons - he threatened to sue his detractors for libel. When this didn't work he informed the world that it was his wife who wielded the poison pen.
Finally he came clean. "I am a deceitful shit," he said "who is not fit to lick the boots of his academic peers." Oh no! Sorry, that's what he should have said. Instead he put his hand up to "foolish errors" under "intense stress" and went off on sick leave.
I wonder if it is once again safe to blame the Nazis for the genocide of Europe's Jewish population, and not the Communists, as Professor Figes claimed.

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